4 Tidy Data

This section is aimed at helping you develop a relatively simple reproducible workflow for your project (i.e. Deliverable 2 described in section 1.3\(^*\)) and providing a demonstration of some of the Tidyverse tools for wrangling and tidying your data.

\(^*\)But note that the content of the previous 2 sections are important for the deliverable too.

Ultimately, tidying your data is the first step in your data analysis and communication workflow.

The core components of most data analysis workflows (Wickham et al. 2019).
The core components of most data analysis workflows (Wickham et al. 2019).

But first you need to get your data into a digital format…

4.1 Data entry

NOTE: This section may not be relevant to the module deliverable, because you should have an example dataset that’s already in digital format, but it will be useful if/when you collect new data of your own.

Before we start, I should highlight that one very good way of reducing errors in data entry and improving quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) is to make use of various forms of data validation like drop down lists and conditional formatting. These can be used to limit data types (i.e. avoids you entering text into a numeric column or vice versa), or limiting the range of values entered (e.g. 0 to 100 for percentages), or just highlighting values that are possible, but rare, and should be double-checked, like 100m tall trees. Unit errors are incredibly common in ecological data entry, especially for things like plant height where you may be measuring 20cm tall grasses and 20m tall trees!!! Drop down lists really come into their own when you’re working with lots of different Latin species names etc. Typos, spelling errors and synonyms can take weeks of work to fix! Restricting the names to a drop-down list from a known published taxonomic resource really makes a huge difference!

Here’s an example from a vegetation survey practical I ran as part of the BIO3018F Ecology and Evolution 3rd-year field course. If you go to the Sites sheet, you’ll see that the first two columns Site and Point are drop-down lists that reference the RangeLimits spreadsheet, to make entry easy and to prevent spelling mistakes etc. You’ll also notice that the different columns have specified ranges, and that a number outside the range is entered (e.g. anything >100 for PercentBareSoil) then the cell is highlighted with a warning. You can see the data validation rules by selecting a cell in the column of interest and clicking Data > Data validation

It’s often easy to forget to collect some measurements etc when in the field, like site-level information. Sometimes what I do to prevent this is set up the next data entry sheet (trait data in this case), to require that you fill in the site name from a drop-down list that is populated in the site data sheet. This limits the names you can use to only those that have site data, and serves as a reminder should you have forgotten. Check out the SitePoint column in the Traits sheet.

I’m not going to go into how to do data validation in spreadsheets, but here are links for:

I’m sure there are plenty of other online resources too.

One thing I really like about Google Sheets is that you can set your sheet to work in “offline mode” on your phone or tablet, which allows you to do data entry directly into the sheet in the field, which then syncs to your Google Drive when you go back online (I’d imagine you can do the same with MS Excel and One Drive, but I’ve never tried it). This really saves time (and errors) on entering written field data sheets into a spreadsheet later, and allows you to take advantage of the data validation rules in the field, which are harder to set up with pen or pencil… The only issue is that if you make a typo etc that isn’t caught by the data validation you’re likely to be stuck with it…

4.2 Reproducibility - start as you mean to finish

Now that you have your data, the temptation is to open an R script and get analyzing, or worse yet, open your raw data file in a spreadsheeting programme and crack out a few simple graphs… WAIT!!!

  1. Never do data analyses in your raw data files!!! These are your raw data, and they should stay that way. In fact, they should be set to be read-only so that you can’t edit them even if you wanted to. If you were to edit these files directly and make a mistake, like say sort a column without sorting the rest of the table, that’s it! Alles is kaput! You need your raw data files so that you have somewhere to look when you suspect you’ve done something bad to your data.

  2. Beyond data management, there’s code management, and version control software like GitHub is your friend, providing a backup of all your scripts, versioning (i.e. a record of changes of your scripts that you can revert should you need to - i.e. no more scripts named “analysis_final_final_FINAL.R”) and is a great tool for collaboration and sharing. In fact, GitHub can manage much more than just code, and can host your manuscript, output figures and tables, and even small datasets. Here’s a quick start guide for GitHub that shows you the basic functionality in ~10 minutes. I highly recommend working through it before you move on to the next steps…

  3. The trick to reproducible research is to start as you mean to finish. By this I mean that it is much easier to produce a reproducible research workflow if you work reproducibly from the start, rather than retrofitting a bunch of data and code you’ve already analyzed. This also means that you can reap the benefits of reproducibility during your project, which includes things like easier finding and fixing of errors, easier collaboration, simple splitting of the workflow if you decide that the project could lead to multiple publications, etc.

The next 2 sections are covered in the quick start guide you should have worked through, but I add a few specific comments, and are essentially what you need to do to get set up with a GitHub repo before you get coding.

4.2.1 Creating a Git repository (or repo for short)

  1. Go to your online GitHub account (e.g. https://github.com/jslingsby)
  2. Click on the + in the top-right and select New repository
  3. Give your repository a name and description
  4. Choose whether you want the repo to be public or private (e.g. if you’re going to include sensitive data or otherwise don’t want the world to see what you’re doing)
  5. I usually Add a README file, that allows you to write a description of the project, explain the contents of the repo, etc
  6. I also usually Add .gitignore and choose R from the templates. This is a file that allows you to list files and folders that you don’t want GitHub to sync
  • e.g. you may want to have a “bigdata” folder on your local machine with files too large to sync to GitHub (~>50MB), although check out Git Large File Storage, or an “output” folder with large figures etc that you can easily reproduce from the code
  1. Add a license if you want too
  2. Click Create repository

4.2.2 Cloning your repo to your local machine

  1. Open RStudio on your laptop (you should already have RStudio and GitHub set up as per the instructions in section 1.4)
  2. Copy the URL to the repo you just created (e.g. https://github.com/jslingsby/demo)
  3. In RStudio:
  • in the top-right of the window you’ll see Project: (None) - click on it and select New Project then Version Control then Git
  • In the Repository URl: box paste the URL to your repo
  • Project directory name should fill automatically
  • For Create project as subdirectory of: hit Browse and navigate through your file system to where you want to put your folder for storing your Git repositories. I recommend something like ~Documents/GIT (If you’ve used Git before you may have set this already and can skip this step)
  • Click Create Repository

You should now see the name of your project/repo in the top-right corner of RStudio where previously you saw Project: (None) and you’re good to go.

Now that you’re working on your local machine you need to set up a folder structure for code, output, data etc (using RStudio or your file explorer). Then you can open an R script, or better yet, an RMarkdown or (better yet) Quarto document that allows you to write text and embed code and images etc.

4.2.3 Keeping your online Git repository in sync

Once you’ve added some content to your project (the local version of the Git repository), you want to sync it back to the online repository…

  1. From the “Git” tab (top-right window in RStudio), click the check boxes next to the files and folders you’ve created. This is equivalent to git add if you were doing this command line in bash or terminal.
  2. Click Commit, enter a log message (notes to yourself or collaborators about what you’re adding), and click Commit again. This is equivalent to git commit in command line.
  3. Now you’re going to “push” the changes to the online repository, but first, it’s always good practice to “pull” any changes from the repository to your local machine first. You do this, because if it was a collaborative project, others may have made changes since you last “pulled”. You may also have made changes to the repo directly in the website… To “pull” changes into RStudio, click the green down arrow (next to “Commit”). If it says “Already up-to-date” you can then “push” your changes up to Github by clicking on the green up arrow. This is equivalent to git push.

4.3 Tidy data and data wrangling

Now you’re finally ready to start interrogating your data! But the raw data probably aren’t in a particularly analysis-friendly format, so you need to start with some data tidying and wrangling. You could do this “manually” in a new, appropriately named, copy of your raw data spreadsheet, but then you may not be able to track the changes you’ve made and errors may creep in. Where possible, it’s best to do this step with code. Most of my projects start with a “00_data_cleaning.R” script or similar to read the raw data and create an analysis-ready dataset. If this script takes a long time to run, I may output a new “clean data” file (or files) so that I don’t need to rerun the script every time.

What is tidy data? I strongly recommend you read this short paper on how to keep your data Tidy (Wickham 2014). Following these principles will make life much easier for you once you get to the analysis step…

Here’s the basic idea in nice illustrations by @allison_horst:

Tidy data principles mean that all datasets follow the same rules. Artwork @allison_horst
Tidy data principles mean that all datasets follow the same rules. Artwork @allison_horst

Following the rules simplifies analysis and reduces the diversity of tools required. Artwork @allison_horst
Following the rules simplifies analysis and reduces the diversity of tools required. Artwork @allison_horst

The rules are pretty simple and easy to follow. It’s worth investing the effort! Artwork @allison_horst
The rules are pretty simple and easy to follow. It’s worth investing the effort! Artwork @allison_horst

These figures, and the readings for the course, highlight that there are many reasons why you should keep your data in tidy format (Wickham 2014). Unfortunately, as my spreadsheet above demonstrates, it’s not always convenient to enter your data in tidy format, so you inevitably end out needing to do post-entry data formatting. A major problem here is that doing the reformatting manually creates opportunities for introducing errors. This is where it’s a major advantage if you know how to wrangle your data in a coding language like R or Python. This is not to say that coded data wrangling cannot introduce errors!!! You should always do sanity checks!!! But I’d suspect that most of the errors you can make with code will be very obvious, because the outcome is usually spectacularly different to the input.

The rest of this chapter provides a demonstration of some of the functionality of the tidyverse set of R packages, and some of the more common data wrangling errors made in R.

4.3.1 The dataset

This tutorial relies on the BIO3018F prac data mentioned previously. See here if you’d like more details about the data and practical.

4.3.2 The motivation…

Here’s a cool trick. Don’t freak out that I haven’t commented the code with explanations. We’ll break this down in the following sections.


read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites") %>%
  mutate(CanopyCover = 100 - 4.16*Densiometer) %>%
  select(!c("SoilColour", "Densiometer")) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c("PercentBareSoil", "SoilPH", "Dung", "CanopyCover"),
               names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") %>%
  ggplot() +
    geom_boxplot(aes(y = value, x = Site)) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    facet_wrap(vars(variable), scales = "free")

In just 9 lines of code (and it could be fewer if I was being less neat) I read in the raw data with read_xlsx, created a new column that’s a transformation of an existing one with mutate, dropped unwanted variables with select (I didn’t actually need to do this, I was just showing off…), reshaped the entire dataframe from wide format (not tidy) to long format (tidy) with pivot_longer and made a pretty boxplot (ggplot + geom_boxplot) with rotated x-axis text (theme) and separate facets for each environmental variable (facet_wrap).

You too can have these superhero powers!

The rest of this chapter is focused on reading in data and various tricks to wrangle it into different formats, join separate tables, etc. Plotting you will have to learn yourself, but I may show a few simple examples.

4.4 Reading in data

R has a number of different packages to read in data, and there’s even a few that work with different tabular data types just within the tidyverse. These include:

  • readr for text files with values separated with tab, comma, or some other delimiter (.txt, .csv, .tsv file extensions)
  • readxl for Microsoft Excel files (.xls or .xlsx)
  • googlesheets4 for reading data directly from a Google Sheet

There’s others too that can scrape data from web pages, interact with web APIs, or query local or online databases.

Fortunately, within the tidyverse, similar syntax can be used across most data import packages. Check out the cheat sheet.

4.4.1 Read Google Sheets with googlesheets4

Since I gave you the link to a Google Sheet above, you should be able to read the data directly into R using that URL with the googlesheets4 package. Note that it may ask you to authenticate your Google account. You can do this with your personal or UCT account.

# First let's call the libraries with the functions we want to use
library(googlesheets4) # while googlesheets4 is part of the tidyverse, and installed when you install the tidyverse, it isn't a core package, so you have to call it separately

# You may need to tell Googlesheets what account to use (of your own) using the function gs4_auth(), e.g. gs4_auth(email = "myemail@gmail.com"), but in this case we can just tell it not to authenticate as the Google Sheet is publicly accessible

# Now let's have a look at the names of the worksheets (tabs) within the spreadsheet
## [1] "Sites"        "Traits"       "Species"      "RangeLimits"  "RangeSpecies"

Sometimes it shows lots of garble about the online authentication, but finally it shows us that there are five worksheets in the spreadsheet.

Let’s read in the “Sites” sheet and call it edat for “environmental data”, and then print a summary.

WARNING - running the name of a data object in R is usually a bad idea. It typically then shows you every value in the dataset, which can be hundreds of thousands of values! Tidyverse packages just show you a summary and the first few rows of data, which is nice…

edat <- read_sheet("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U9yNaJFyd6kb5vlKzHhcgM6sLEzw_xVtQxewpH7k0Ho/edit?usp=sharing", sheet = "Sites") # read in data
## ✔ Reading from "pracdatasheet".
## ✔ Range ''Sites''.
edat # print a summary of the data
## # A tibble: 24 × 8
##    Site         Point SitePoint       PercentBareSoil SoilPH SoilColour  Dung Densiometer
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr>                     <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 grass        SE    grass_SE                      0   4.6  7.5YR3/2       0          15
##  2 renosterveld SE    renosterveld_SE               5   5.4  10YR3/2        3          14
##  3 invasion     SE    invasion_SE                   0   3.79 10YR2/1        0           0
##  4 sand         SE    sand_SE                      10   4.82 10YR6/4        0           5
##  5 sandstone    SE    sandstone_SE                  5   4.91 10YR3/2        0           2
##  6 limestone    SE    limestone_SE                  0   6.48 10YR2/1        0           9
##  7 grass        NE    grass_NE                      0   5.13 10YR2/2        0          13
##  8 renosterveld NE    renosterveld_NE              30   5.7  7.5YR4/3       2          20
##  9 invasion     NE    invasion_NE                   5   3.7  10YR5/1        0           0
## 10 sand         NE    sand_NE                       8   4.54 10YR4/3        0           4
## # ℹ 14 more rows

Note that you can also create and write to a Google Sheet with gs4_create() and write_sheet()

4.4.2 Downloading Google Sheets with R

If your spreadsheet is large, reading them into R from online Google Sheets can be slow. In this case you may want to download them as local MS Excel (.xlsx) files. Fortunately, even the download step can be scripted in R with functions from library(googledrive).

## Attaching package: 'googledrive'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:googlesheets4':
##     request_generate, request_make
drive_deauth() # Or specify your email with drive_auth(email = "jenny@example.com")

drive_download(file = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U9yNaJFyd6kb5vlKzHhcgM6sLEzw_xVtQxewpH7k0Ho/edit?usp=sharing", 
               path = "data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
## File downloaded:
## • 'pracdatasheet' <id: 1U9yNaJFyd6kb5vlKzHhcgM6sLEzw_xVtQxewpH7k0Ho>
## Saved locally as:
## • 'data/pracdatasheet.xlsx'

4.4.3 Read Microsoft Excel files with readxl

Reading data in directly from Google Sheets can be super handy, but it requires an internet connection, and can become quite slow if your dataset gets big. In that case, it’s very easy to download Google Sheets as Microsoft Excel files and read them in using functions in the readxl package.

First, we may want to know what files are in our data folder, which we can do with the base R function list.files(). Note that this function can be very handy if you have lots of files to process, like photos, etc.

NOTE: you need to replace the working directory folder path (“data” here) with wherever you put the data on your computer. In my case, “data” is a folder in the git repo (and thus R project), so R knows where to look.

# get list of files in the folder (change to your own)
## [1] "pracdatasheet.xlsx"                   "Reproducibility Survey Raw Data.xlsx"

Let’s have a look at the pracdatasheet.xlsx file

library(readxl) #while readxl is part of the tidyverse and installed when you install the tidyverse, it isn't a core package, so you have to call it separately

# See what sheets are in the Excel workbook
## [1] "Sites"        "Traits"       "Species"      "RangeLimits"  "RangeSpecies"
# Read in data
edat <- read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites")

# Print a summary 
## # A tibble: 24 × 8
##    Site         Point SitePoint       PercentBareSoil SoilPH SoilColour  Dung Densiometer
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr>                     <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 grass        SE    grass_SE                      0   4.6  7.5YR3/2       0          15
##  2 renosterveld SE    renosterveld_SE               5   5.4  10YR3/2        3          14
##  3 invasion     SE    invasion_SE                   0   3.79 10YR2/1        0           0
##  4 sand         SE    sand_SE                      10   4.82 10YR6/4        0           5
##  5 sandstone    SE    sandstone_SE                  5   4.91 10YR3/2        0           2
##  6 limestone    SE    limestone_SE                  0   6.48 10YR2/1        0           9
##  7 grass        NE    grass_NE                      0   5.13 10YR2/2        0          13
##  8 renosterveld NE    renosterveld_NE              30   5.7  7.5YR4/3       2          20
##  9 invasion     NE    invasion_NE                   5   3.7  10YR5/1        0           0
## 10 sand         NE    sand_NE                       8   4.54 10YR4/3        0           4
## # ℹ 14 more rows

A handy feature of read_sheet and read_xlsx is the range = option, which allows you to select only the regions of the worksheet you want using the usual syntax you’d use in Excel, e.g. A1:Z100 would give you columns A to Z and rows 1 to 100.

Here’s an example skipping the first two columns:

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites", range = "C1:H25")
## # A tibble: 24 × 6
##    SitePoint       PercentBareSoil SoilPH SoilColour  Dung Densiometer
##    <chr>                     <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 grass_SE                      0   4.6  7.5YR3/2       0          15
##  2 renosterveld_SE               5   5.4  10YR3/2        3          14
##  3 invasion_SE                   0   3.79 10YR2/1        0           0
##  4 sand_SE                      10   4.82 10YR6/4        0           5
##  5 sandstone_SE                  5   4.91 10YR3/2        0           2
##  6 limestone_SE                  0   6.48 10YR2/1        0           9
##  7 grass_NE                      0   5.13 10YR2/2        0          13
##  8 renosterveld_NE              30   5.7  7.5YR4/3       2          20
##  9 invasion_NE                   5   3.7  10YR5/1        0           0
## 10 sand_NE                       8   4.54 10YR4/3        0           4
## # ℹ 14 more rows

NOTE: I’m just doing this for demonstration purposes. This particular dataset is already a rectangular table (or data frame), so it would be easiest to just read the whole thing in and subset the columns you want with select() and the rows with filter(), both from the dplyr package and a core part of tidyverse - demonstrated later.

You can also be sneaky and read multiple separate chunks and then stitch them together, e.g.

  • Reading in different columns and binding them together:
bind_cols(read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites", range = "A1:B25"),
      read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites", range = "G1:H25"))
## # A tibble: 24 × 4
##    Site         Point  Dung Densiometer
##    <chr>        <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 grass        SE        0          15
##  2 renosterveld SE        3          14
##  3 invasion     SE        0           0
##  4 sand         SE        0           5
##  5 sandstone    SE        0           2
##  6 limestone    SE        0           9
##  7 grass        NE        0          13
##  8 renosterveld NE        2          20
##  9 invasion     NE        0           0
## 10 sand         NE        0           4
## # ℹ 14 more rows
  • Or by row:
bind_rows(read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites", range = "C1:H15"),
      read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites", range = "C16:H25"))
## # A tibble: 23 × 12
##    SitePoint   PercentBareSoil SoilPH SoilColour  Dung Densiometer invasion_SW `10.0` `3.93`
##    <chr>                 <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 grass_SE                  0   4.6  7.5YR3/2       0          15 <NA>            NA     NA
##  2 renosterve…               5   5.4  10YR3/2        3          14 <NA>            NA     NA
##  3 invasion_SE               0   3.79 10YR2/1        0           0 <NA>            NA     NA
##  4 sand_SE                  10   4.82 10YR6/4        0           5 <NA>            NA     NA
##  5 sandstone_…               5   4.91 10YR3/2        0           2 <NA>            NA     NA
##  6 limestone_…               0   6.48 10YR2/1        0           9 <NA>            NA     NA
##  7 grass_NE                  0   5.13 10YR2/2        0          13 <NA>            NA     NA
##  8 renosterve…              30   5.7  7.5YR4/3       2          20 <NA>            NA     NA
##  9 invasion_NE               5   3.7  10YR5/1        0           0 <NA>            NA     NA
## 10 sand_NE                   8   4.54 10YR4/3        0           4 <NA>            NA     NA
## # ℹ 13 more rows
## # ℹ 3 more variables: `5Y2.5/1` <chr>, `0.0` <dbl>, `3.0` <dbl>

Note that the skip = and nmax = options of these functions are somewhat related and tell the function the number of rows to skip before reading anything and the maximum number of rows to read respectively.

4.4.4 Reading text files with readr

I’m not going to go through this package, but it’s important to note that both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are proprietary. In other words these are not open formats and are not necessarily stable in the long term. YOU SHOULD NOT STORE YOUR DATA IN THESE FORMATS, and as such they should not be used if you want your workflow to be reproducible! The safest is to save each worksheet from the spreadsheet as separate comma or tab delimited text files, which you can read in with functions from readr like read_csv or read_delim. Try ?readr for details on the package and functions.

4.4.5 Writing out files!

In previous iteration of this course I didn’t cover this as I must have thought it was a given, but you can of course write files out too!

Here’s a bunch of ways to write out different formats with readr. As mentioned above, check out Google Sheets options by typing ?googlesheets4::gs4_create() into your console to find out about creating Google Sheets and ?googlesheets4::write_sheet() for writing to sheets.

4.5 A quick aside on data types

You’ll note <chr> and <dbl> in the output when we print a summary of the data. These indicate that the data types (or classes) for those columns are “character” and “double” respectively…

  • R’s basic data types are character, integer, numeric (or double, they are synonymous), date and logical. There are a number of other special types, but this covers most of those you’ll commonly deal with.
    • integer is for whole numbers (i.e. no decimals)
    • numeric or double (double precision floating point numbers) are real numbers - i.e. they include decimal places.
      • For reasons I won’t explain, storing data as real numbers takes up far more memory than integers. Obviously, lots of numbers we work with are real numbers, so we need to be able to work with them. Interestingly, large data storage and transmission projects (e.g. satellite remote sensing) often do tricks like multiply values by some constant so that all data stored are integers. You need to correct by the constant during your analysis to get values in the actual unit of measurement.
    • character is for letters, words, sentences or mixed strings (i.e. letters and digits)
    • factor is a set of levels (often treatments) that you’d use in an analysis. They are very useful, but they are also VERY likely to trip you up at some stage (I’ll explain why in a minute)!!!
      • factors are essentially numerical codings of character data in some order. Using numerical coding is useful, because you can order your levels in an analysis - e.g. Treatment A, Treatment B, Control, etc. They are also useful, because they can store data efficiently. For example, if your analysis has thousands of data points, it uses much less memory to recode the treatments above as 1, 2, 3, etc and just store one copy of the levels (what we call the labels in a factor).
    • logical is the outcome of a conditional statement (i.e. values can only be TRUE or FALSE)
      • it is actually just a special case of factor data where FALSE = 0 and TRUE = 1, so if you take the sum of a vector of logical values, it will give you a count of the number of TRUE cases. That said, R treats logical in specific ways that can’t be done with true factors and vice versa, so forget I said that.
    • date once again is a special case of a factor, but again, R treats dates in specific ways that it wouldn’t treat a normal factor. Dates are thus stored as numbers, where each day has a unique value. For R, by default the numbering begins at the 1st January 1970 (the “origin”), which is coded as “0” - try run the code as.numeric(as.Date("1970-01-01")), which coerced the date “1970-01-01” to a number. You can change the origin to whatever you prefer, and this can be very important, because different software use different origins…

Here’re some code examples to try to drive this home, using the built in vector letters

##  [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v"
## [23] "w" "x" "y" "z"

You can check the class of data using the function class()

## [1] "character"

And typically convert (or coerce) between classes using as. followed by the class you want, e.g.

##  [1] a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
## Levels: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Here it shows us that we have a factor with 26 values with 26 unique levels. You wouldn’t really use a factor class if all values are unique though. Here’s a better example.

as.factor(rep(letters[1:3], 8))
##  [1] a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c
## Levels: a b c

And to prove that the factor represents the levels as a set of numbers:

as.numeric(as.factor(rep(letters[1:3], 8)))
##  [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Note that this doesn’t work if we try to coerce the the letters to numbers without making them a factor first:

as.numeric(rep(letters[1:3], 8))
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion

Here’s how factors will catch you out, sooner or later…

As I said earlier, storing data as a factor can be less memory intensive. R takes advantage of this in that some functions (especially when reading in data) try to identify the most sensible data type and store it in R’s memory as such. So for example, if all the values in a column of a table are whole numbers, R will read it in as class integer, which requires less memory than class numeric (or double). By the same token, if the column is text and some values are repeated, R will often make it class factor.

This is great, but it can catch you out as follows. If a column of numbers has any text in it, R will make the whole column class character. If many of the values are repeated, it may even make it class factor for efficiency. This happens a lot!, especially if someone makes an error and types in an O instead of a 0, or denotes missing data with a “.” or anything else other than “NA”.

This means that whenever you try to pass the data to a function that’s expecting numeric data, it will give you an error. Usually something along the lines of “Error in … expected class ‘double’” or “object cannot be coerced to type ‘double’”, etc. The cause of this error message may not be obvious to the newbie, but now you know.

Another problem is that even though R typically orders factors in alphabetical or numerical order, it is possible to create a mismatch between the actual number and the order in the levels. This can create all kinds of issues, sometimes large (which are easier to spot), sometimes subtle (which is often more problematic, because it’s harder to spot).

Here are some code examples. Firstly, where a number is treated as a character.

hmm <- rep(c(4, "0", 2, 5, 3, 1), 3)

##  [1] "4" "0" "2" "5" "3" "1" "4" "0" "2" "5" "3" "1" "4" "0" "2" "5" "3" "1"
## [1] "character"

In this case the vector is class character, but if we’d read it in from a file it would likely have been made a factor. Let’s see what happens when we coerce it to factor:

##  [1] 4 0 2 5 3 1 4 0 2 5 3 1 4 0 2 5 3 1
## Levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5

Seems ok?

What if we try to coerce that factor to a number?

##  [1] 5 1 3 6 4 2 5 1 3 6 4 2 5 1 3 6 4 2

Ouch! While the level labels start at 0, the numeric representation of the levels start at 1, so coercing them to numbers creates a mismatch…

If you need to fix this, you should always coerce to character first.

##  [1] 4 0 2 5 3 1 4 0 2 5 3 1 4 0 2 5 3 1

What about if we insert a character instead of a number, like “O” instead of “0”

hmm2 <- rep(c(4, "O", 2, 5, 3, 1), 3)

##  [1] "4" "O" "2" "5" "3" "1" "4" "O" "2" "5" "3" "1" "4" "O" "2" "5" "3" "1"
## [1] "character"
##  [1] 4 O 2 5 3 1 4 O 2 5 3 1 4 O 2 5 3 1
## Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 O

Interesting, the “O” is now the 6th level, not the first… What if we coerce to numeric?

##  [1] 4 6 2 5 3 1 4 6 2 5 3 1 4 6 2 5 3 1

Oops!!! Converting all your zeroes to sixes is really going to mess with your results!!!

And if we try our as.character fix?

## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
##  [1]  4 NA  2  5  3  1  4 NA  2  5  3  1  4 NA  2  5  3  1

R doesn’t know what to do with the Os, so it makes them NA and gives you a warning. Watch out for this, because ignoring the warning and leaving out zero values could seriously bias your results!

4.6 Learning to speak Tidyverse

The tidyverse packages contain a series of functions that can be thought of as verbs, providing the grammar for you develop code statements.

For example, some of the main functions in library(dplyr) are:

  • arrange() - Arrange rows by the values of column
  • select() - Select a subset of columns using their names and types
  • filter() - Subset rows using column values
  • slice() - Subset rows using their positions
  • mutate() - Create, modify, and delete columns
  • group_by() - Group by one or more variables
  • summarise() - Summarise each group to fewer rows

(Pro tip: Do yourself a favour and spend some time reading about these functions!)

Binding the verbs together into code “sentences” like the example I gave in section 4.3.2 is made possible by the pipe %>% operator, which essentially allows you to pass the output of one function (or verb) to the next without making a new object in memory each time.

i.e. without %>% the code in section 4.3.2 would have required me to save 4 intermediate objects into R’s memory as I went. This is clunky, and wastes RAM (computer memory space), often slowing the script down.

Here are some example “sentences” using some of the dplyr “verbs”:

“Take the environmental data, group it by the Site labels and calculate the means for a specific set of variables for each group.”

edat %>% 
  group_by(Site) %>%
  summarize(BareSoil = mean(PercentBareSoil), 
            `Soil pH` = mean(SoilPH), 
            Dung = mean(Dung))
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   Site         BareSoil `Soil pH`  Dung
##   <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 grass             2.5      4.85  0.25
## 2 invasion          5        3.88  0.5 
## 3 limestone        30        6.33  0   
## 4 renosterveld     21.2      5.47  2.5 
## 5 sand             12        4.81  0.5 
## 6 sandstone        31.2      4.76  0.5

Note how you can create variables with new names when you summarise, and that you don’t have to apply the same summary function to each (mean in this case, but you can use median, sd, etc). Also notice how enclosing names in “`” allows you to have spaces or special characters in the variable name.

“Take the environmental data, filter it for only the renosterveld site, and select a specific set of variables.”

edat %>% 
  filter(Site == "renosterveld") %>%
  select(Point, PercentBareSoil, SoilPH, Dung)
## # A tibble: 4 × 4
##   Point PercentBareSoil SoilPH  Dung
##   <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 SE                  5   5.4      3
## 2 NE                 30   5.7      2
## 3 SW                 20   5.43     3
## 4 NW                 30   5.35     2

“Take the environmental data, filter it for only the renosterveld site, select a specific set of variables, and add a new column that expresses the frequency of dung observed as a proportion of the percentage bare soil exposed.”

edat %>% 
  filter(Site == "renosterveld") %>%
  select(Point, PercentBareSoil, SoilPH, Dung) %>%
  mutate(DungPerSoil = Dung/PercentBareSoil)
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   Point PercentBareSoil SoilPH  Dung DungPerSoil
##   <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1 SE                  5   5.4      3      0.6   
## 2 NE                 30   5.7      2      0.0667
## 3 SW                 20   5.43     3      0.15  
## 4 NW                 30   5.35     2      0.0667

“Take the environmental data, select a specific set of variables, add a new column that expresses the frequency of dung observed as a proportion of the percentage bare soil exposed, and arrange the samples in descending order of the new variable.”

edat %>% 
  select(SitePoint, PercentBareSoil, SoilPH, Dung) %>%
  mutate(DungPerSoil = Dung/PercentBareSoil) %>%
## # A tibble: 24 × 5
##    SitePoint       PercentBareSoil SoilPH  Dung DungPerSoil
##    <chr>                     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 grass_SW                      0   5.11     1    Inf     
##  2 renosterveld_SE               5   5.4      3      0.6   
##  3 invasion_NW                   5   4.1      2      0.4   
##  4 sand_NW                      10   4.95     2      0.2   
##  5 renosterveld_SW              20   5.43     3      0.15  
##  6 renosterveld_NE              30   5.7      2      0.0667
##  7 renosterveld_NW              30   5.35     2      0.0667
##  8 sandstone_SW                 30   4.7      1      0.0333
##  9 sandstone_NW                 45   4.7      1      0.0222
## 10 sand_SE                      10   4.82     0      0     
## # ℹ 14 more rows

I think you get the picture…

4.7 Getting things Tidy

Ok, most of what I’ve shown you is about reading in data and then manipulating it once you have it read in. While this is handy, there are a few more functions you’ll need to help get your data Tidy.

Specifically, Tidy data is where:

  • Every column is variable.
  • Every row is an observation.
  • Every cell is a single value.

There are many ways to violate this, but some of the most common are:

  • When your data are in “wide” format
  • When you have data in your column names (often associated with wide format)
  • When you have multiple variables in a single column (or cell)
  • When you have gaps in your data

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” - Leo Tolstoy

“tidy datasets are all alike but every messy dataset is messy in its own way” - Hadley Wickham

4.7.1 pivot_longer

Perhaps the most useful function here is pivot_longer from the tidyr package, which allows you to convert wide format data to long format.

Here’s our raw data:

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites")
## # A tibble: 24 × 8
##    Site         Point SitePoint       PercentBareSoil SoilPH SoilColour  Dung Densiometer
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr>                     <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 grass        SE    grass_SE                      0   4.6  7.5YR3/2       0          15
##  2 renosterveld SE    renosterveld_SE               5   5.4  10YR3/2        3          14
##  3 invasion     SE    invasion_SE                   0   3.79 10YR2/1        0           0
##  4 sand         SE    sand_SE                      10   4.82 10YR6/4        0           5
##  5 sandstone    SE    sandstone_SE                  5   4.91 10YR3/2        0           2
##  6 limestone    SE    limestone_SE                  0   6.48 10YR2/1        0           9
##  7 grass        NE    grass_NE                      0   5.13 10YR2/2        0          13
##  8 renosterveld NE    renosterveld_NE              30   5.7  7.5YR4/3       2          20
##  9 invasion     NE    invasion_NE                   5   3.7  10YR5/1        0           0
## 10 sand         NE    sand_NE                       8   4.54 10YR4/3        0           4
## # ℹ 14 more rows

Here’s our data in “long” format:

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites") %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c("PercentBareSoil", "SoilPH", "Dung", "Densiometer"),
               names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") 
## # A tibble: 96 × 6
##    Site         Point SitePoint       SoilColour variable        value
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr>           <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>
##  1 grass        SE    grass_SE        7.5YR3/2   PercentBareSoil  0   
##  2 grass        SE    grass_SE        7.5YR3/2   SoilPH           4.6 
##  3 grass        SE    grass_SE        7.5YR3/2   Dung             0   
##  4 grass        SE    grass_SE        7.5YR3/2   Densiometer     15   
##  5 renosterveld SE    renosterveld_SE 10YR3/2    PercentBareSoil  5   
##  6 renosterveld SE    renosterveld_SE 10YR3/2    SoilPH           5.4 
##  7 renosterveld SE    renosterveld_SE 10YR3/2    Dung             3   
##  8 renosterveld SE    renosterveld_SE 10YR3/2    Densiometer     14   
##  9 invasion     SE    invasion_SE     10YR2/1    PercentBareSoil  0   
## 10 invasion     SE    invasion_SE     10YR2/1    SoilPH           3.79
## # ℹ 86 more rows

Note 1: I had to leave out the variable SoilColour, because it was a different data type - <chr> as opposed to <dbl>. I could only combine them into the same column if I convered them all to a common data type, which would have to be character in this case, and would not be very useful…

Note 2: The columns that you don’t select with the cols = argument just get repeated throughout the data, so be careful when analyzing them because there will be duplicates…

4.7.2 pivot_wider

You can also convert long format data to wide format when needed using pivot_wider. You may need to do this when working with biological community data, because most analysis software and R functions prefer “community data matrices” with species as columns and sites as rows. This violates Tidy data, because you have data in your column names (i.e. species names).

I’ll demonstrate this using the Species worksheet from our dataset.

First, let’s look at the raw data:

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Species")
## # A tibble: 419 × 12
##    Site   Point Photo Family Genus Species AddOn FieldName FullName WorkingName Alien FullID
##    <chr>  <chr> <lgl> <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>     <chr>    <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 invas… SE    NA    Aspar… Aspa… <NA>    <NA>  <NA>      Asparag… Asparagus      NA     NA
##  2 invas… SE    NA    Poace… Cape… arundi… <NA>  <NA>      Capeoch… Capeochloa…    NA     NA
##  3 invas… SE    NA    Prote… Leuc… salign… <NA>  <NA>      Leucade… Leucadendr…    NA      1
##  4 invas… SE    NA    Poace… <NA>  <NA>    <NA>  Small gr… <NA>     Small grass    NA     NA
##  5 invas… SE    NA    Erica… Erica <NA>    smal… <NA>      Erica s… Erica smal…    NA     NA
##  6 invas… SE    NA    Rhamn… Phyl… ericoi… <NA>  <NA>      Phylica… Phylica er…    NA      1
##  7 invas… SE    NA    Fabac… Acac… saligna <NA>  <NA>      Acacia … Acacia sal…     1      1
##  8 invas… SE    NA    Cyper… Scho… <NA>    <NA>  <NA>      Schoenus Schoenus       NA     NA
##  9 invas… SE    NA    Pinac… Pinus <NA>    <NA>  <NA>      Pinus    Pinus           1     NA
## 10 invas… SE    NA    Fabac… Acac… pycnan… <NA>  <NA>      Acacia … Acacia pyc…     1      1
## # ℹ 409 more rows

A bit messy, but in this case it is presence-only data and all we want are “Site”, “Point” and “WorkingName”, so if we just select those we’ll be close to having our long format data, like so:

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Species") %>% 
  select(Site, Point, WorkingName)
## # A tibble: 419 × 3
##    Site     Point WorkingName           
##    <chr>    <chr> <chr>                 
##  1 invasion SE    Asparagus             
##  2 invasion SE    Capeochloa arundinacea
##  3 invasion SE    Leucadendron salignum 
##  4 invasion SE    Small grass           
##  5 invasion SE    Erica small invasion  
##  6 invasion SE    Phylica ericoides     
##  7 invasion SE    Acacia saligna        
##  8 invasion SE    Schoenus              
##  9 invasion SE    Pinus                 
## 10 invasion SE    Acacia pycnantha      
## # ℹ 409 more rows

And we can make it wider like so:

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Species") %>% 
  select(Site, Point, WorkingName) %>%
  mutate(Presence = 1) %>% # adds a column called "Presence" filled with "1"
  pivot_wider(names_from = WorkingName, values_from = Presence, values_fill = 0)
## # A tibble: 24 × 186
##    Site         Point Asparagus Capeochloa arundinace…¹ Leucadendron salignu…² `Small grass`
##    <chr>        <chr>     <dbl>                   <dbl>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 invasion     SE            1                       1                      1             1
##  2 renosterveld SW            0                       0                      1             0
##  3 grass        NE            1                       0                      0             0
##  4 grass        NW            0                       0                      0             0
##  5 grass        SE            1                       0                      0             0
##  6 grass        SW            1                       0                      0             0
##  7 renosterveld NE            0                       0                      0             0
##  8 renosterveld NW            0                       0                      0             0
##  9 renosterveld SE            0                       0                      0             0
## 10 invasion     SW            0                       1                      0             0
## # ℹ 14 more rows
## # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​`Capeochloa arundinacea`, ²​`Leucadendron salignum`
## # ℹ 180 more variables: `Erica small invasion` <dbl>, `Phylica ericoides` <dbl>,
## #   `Acacia saligna` <dbl>, Schoenus <dbl>, Pinus <dbl>, `Acacia pycnantha` <dbl>,
## #   `Acacia mearnsii` <dbl>, Platycaulos <dbl>, `Restio tetragonus` <dbl>,
## #   `Helichrysum crispa` <dbl>, `Cynodon dactylon` <dbl>, `Briza major` <dbl>,
## #   Metalasia <dbl>, Thesium <dbl>, `Helichrysum rosum` <dbl>, …

Note the use of mutate to add a column of ones. You could also use add_column.

WARNING! Note that if you have multiple identical rows in your data then pivot_wider won’t work without a little extra info. In this case, the data are presence only, so there should be no duplicates, but if it were catch data for example, you could have duplicates, because you may have the same species caught multiple times at one site. In this case you either need to group_by site and species and use summarize to take the sum before you pivot_wider, or you can add a function like sum to pivot_wider using the values_fn = argument. See ?pivot_wider for details.

Ok, looks good, but one thing we’re missing here is that our sites are currently identified by the combination of both the Site and Point columns, whereas community data matrices usually need to have a single unique name for each site. Fortunately, there are tidyverse functions for dealing with this.

4.7.3 unite and separate

Here I use unite to combine the Site and Point columns into a new column called SitePoint. I’ve also changed the select line to only keep our new column, so that we output a community data matrix.

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Species") %>% 
  unite("SitePoint", Site:Point, sep = "_") %>%
  select(SitePoint, WorkingName) %>%
  mutate(Presence = 1) %>% # adds a column called "Presence" filled with "1"
  pivot_wider(names_from = WorkingName, values_from = Presence, values_fill = 0)
## # A tibble: 24 × 185
##    SitePoint       Asparagus `Capeochloa arundinacea` `Leucadendron salignum` `Small grass`
##    <chr>               <dbl>                    <dbl>                   <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 invasion_SE             1                        1                       1             1
##  2 renosterveld_SW         0                        0                       1             0
##  3 grass_NE                1                        0                       0             0
##  4 grass_NW                0                        0                       0             0
##  5 grass_SE                1                        0                       0             0
##  6 grass_SW                1                        0                       0             0
##  7 renosterveld_NE         0                        0                       0             0
##  8 renosterveld_NW         0                        0                       0             0
##  9 renosterveld_SE         0                        0                       0             0
## 10 invasion_SW             0                        1                       0             0
## # ℹ 14 more rows
## # ℹ 180 more variables: `Erica small invasion` <dbl>, `Phylica ericoides` <dbl>,
## #   `Acacia saligna` <dbl>, Schoenus <dbl>, Pinus <dbl>, `Acacia pycnantha` <dbl>,
## #   `Acacia mearnsii` <dbl>, Platycaulos <dbl>, `Restio tetragonus` <dbl>,
## #   `Helichrysum crispa` <dbl>, `Cynodon dactylon` <dbl>, `Briza major` <dbl>,
## #   Metalasia <dbl>, Thesium <dbl>, `Helichrysum rosum` <dbl>,
## #   `Sporobolus africanus` <dbl>, Rhus <dbl>, Eragrostis <dbl>, Oedera <dbl>, …

You can also split values using separate. For example, you may want to split the Latin names into genus and species.

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Species") %>% 
  separate(WorkingName, c("Gen", "Sp")) %>%
  select(Gen, Sp)
## Warning: Expected 2 pieces. Additional pieces discarded in 5 rows [5, 29, 145, 223, 401].
## Warning: Expected 2 pieces. Missing pieces filled with `NA` in 58 rows [1, 8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 21, 23,
## 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 37, 38, 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, ...].
## # A tibble: 419 × 2
##    Gen          Sp         
##    <chr>        <chr>      
##  1 Asparagus    <NA>       
##  2 Capeochloa   arundinacea
##  3 Leucadendron salignum   
##  4 Small        grass      
##  5 Erica        small      
##  6 Phylica      ericoides  
##  7 Acacia       saligna    
##  8 Schoenus     <NA>       
##  9 Pinus        <NA>       
## 10 Acacia       pycnantha  
## # ℹ 409 more rows

Note the warnings, because some plants were identified to genus only, or had makeshift names with more than 2 words like “Little yellow daisy”.

4.8 Getting out of the tidyverse

Pro Tip…

Before I move on, there are times when you may need to get your data out of the tidyverse formats. Specifically, many R packages that analyze biological community data (e.g. library(vegan)) require community data matrices with column and row names. For some reason that I have yet to understand, the tidyverse tabular data class (tibble) doesn’t believe in row names, so to use your community data matrix with vegan etc, you have to break free of the tidyverse, which can be surprisingly difficult, but here’s how.

# First rerun our tidyverse code to get as close to a community data matrix as possible
comm <- read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Species") %>% 
  unite("SitePoint", Site:Point, sep = "_") %>%
  select(SitePoint, WorkingName) %>%
  mutate(Presence = 1) %>% # adds a column called "Presence" filled with "1"
  pivot_wider(names_from = WorkingName, values_from = Presence, values_fill = 0)

# Then some Untidyverse code to
comm <- as.data.frame(unclass(comm)) # get out of the tibble format
rownames(comm) <- comm[,1] # add the first column "SitePoint" as rownames
comm <- comm[,-1] # remove the first column (i.e. "SitePoint")

comm[1:5, 1:3] # view the first 5 rows and 3 columns
##                 Asparagus Capeochloa.arundinacea Leucadendron.salignum
## invasion_SE             1                      1                     1
## renosterveld_SW         0                      0                     1
## grass_NE                1                      0                     0
## grass_NW                0                      0                     0
## grass_SE                1                      0                     0

For more on analyzing community data, check out this tutorial.

4.9 Joining dataframes

Often it’s easiest to work with multiple different data tables, like the Species and Site worksheets we’ve been playing with, but there are times that you’d like to compare a variable from one with a variable from another, and to do this you need to join them.

For example, let’s compare the count of species for each site with some of the environmental variables.

First, we calculate the number of species recorded in each site and save it as an object sr.

sr <- read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Species") %>% 
  unite("SitePoint", Site:Point, sep = "_") %>%
  select(SitePoint, WorkingName) %>% 
  group_by(SitePoint) %>%
  summarize(`Species Number` = n())

## # A tibble: 24 × 2
##    SitePoint    `Species Number`
##    <chr>                   <int>
##  1 grass_NE                   17
##  2 grass_NW                   12
##  3 grass_SE                   13
##  4 grass_SW                   14
##  5 invasion_NE                15
##  6 invasion_NW                10
##  7 invasion_SE                13
##  8 invasion_SW                 8
##  9 limestone_NE               17
## 10 limestone_NW               23
## # ℹ 14 more rows

Now let’s read in our site data, select the columns we want and join sr to it using left_join.

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites") %>%
  select(SitePoint, PercentBareSoil, SoilPH) %>%
  left_join(sr, by = "SitePoint")
## # A tibble: 24 × 4
##    SitePoint       PercentBareSoil SoilPH `Species Number`
##    <chr>                     <dbl>  <dbl>            <int>
##  1 grass_SE                      0   4.6                13
##  2 renosterveld_SE               5   5.4                18
##  3 invasion_SE                   0   3.79               13
##  4 sand_SE                      10   4.82               27
##  5 sandstone_SE                  5   4.91               23
##  6 limestone_SE                  0   6.48               26
##  7 grass_NE                      0   5.13               17
##  8 renosterveld_NE              30   5.7                17
##  9 invasion_NE                   5   3.7                15
## 10 sand_NE                       8   4.54               18
## # ℹ 14 more rows

Hey presto!

But what was it we wanted to compare? Well why not be unscientific and just plot everything against everything else using a function from another library called GGally.

read_xlsx("data/pracdatasheet.xlsx", sheet = "Sites") %>%
  select(SitePoint, PercentBareSoil, SoilPH) %>%
  left_join(sr, by = "SitePoint") %>%
  GGally::ggpairs(columns = 2:ncol(.))

A weak correlation between soil pH and % bare soil, and a near-significant (0.05 < p < 0.1) correlation between soil pH and species number.

Note that if you only plan to use functions from a library a few times in your script it can be more efficient to call the function from the library once off using the syntax library::function (e.g. GGally::ggpairs) than to attach the whole library (i.e. calling library(GGally)) as it saves RAM.

That’s it! Go forth and conquer!


Wickham, Hadley. 2014. Tidy Data.” Journal of Statistical Software, Articles 59 (10): 1–23. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v059.i10.
Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. 2019. Welcome to the tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software 4 (43): 1686. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01686.